
Welcome to Cincinnati Lawn Bowling!

Our Green is located at the Little Miami Golf Center in Newtown located at 3811 Newtown Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45244. It's the only place to play within 250 miles of Cincinnati!

We offer free tutorials for first-time users and provide all equipment.

We generally play from mid-April through mid-October, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30pm, Saturdays at 10am, these are referred to as “Club Play” on the calendar and events page. Please check the schedule for current dates and times. Other times available for special organization or group needs. Along with regular bowling dates, we hold special open houses and monthly member tournaments.

Unlike other sports there is no commitment to play on any certain day. The green is available anytime the golf course is open, and access is provided to all full-time members. If you do come on a Club Play day, we typically decide teams at random but if you want to play with specific people you are free to do so.

For answers to commonly asked questions like fees and memberships click here.

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